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Fitness Goals, Recommended by Personal Trainers

Many people may lose steam when trying to stick to their fitness goals if they are unrealistic. Those goals can lead to discouragement or a lack of accountability in tracking progress.

Making  S.M.A.R.T.  Goals

•    SPECIFIC : The goal is clear and defined. For example, "workout three times a week" rather than "exercise more."
•  MEASURABLE : There's a way to track your progress, which could be by logging the weights you lift or  the distance you  run each week. 
•    ATTAINABLE : This goal can be realistically reached within the set time frame. Very few  people could train for a marathon in two weeks, but many could over a couple of  months.
•   RELEVANT : There's a "why" driving your motivation to reach the goal. Maybe you  want to feel stronger, increase flexibility, or manage an underlying condition.
•    TIMELY : The goal has a deadline, whether it's four weeks or six months.
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